Additionally, there is a long season of hurricanes that might need your immediate attention. According to a survey, there were 671 roof repairs in the year 2009 in the United States.

Thus, it is essential to understand roof damages by the wind to find a viable solution to limit them.
This article will discuss some of the common ways high wind can damage your roofs, how you can survey these damages if they happen, and how to repair them.
Different types of wind damage on roofs
There are different qualities of roofing material available in the market that may have various roof damages by the wind. Most of these materials, including standard asphalt shingles, can be relied on for many years of good service and are rated for considerable wind resistance.
However, sometimes materials are damaged due to high winds storms. These heavy storms can damage your roofing material differently.
Creased shingle
Creased shingles are the bends that occur in the shingles used in the roofing material of your house. Creasing usually occurs during a severe and heavy wind storm. High-speed winds push the shingle up and down, ending with creases if there is leverage in the roofing material.
Moreover, when it goes unnoticed for the long term, it may result in tearing off the shingle completely.
Uplifted shingle
In most cases, it is tough to tell whether the shingle is uplifted or not; while examining it from the ground. Hence, it is better to call in the professionals as climbing the roof is not a safe passage for everyone.
However, the seal overlapping the shingle and the one in between it can be broken, causing it to uplift. On the other side of the coin, the shingle may even be dangling along with a partly pulled-out nail, ready to fall off.
Punctures in the roof
Punctured roofs are the cause of high-speed winds. Frequently, punctures in the roofing result from rolling tree branches that are picked up by the heavy winds and are tossed across your roof at high speed—leaving you with nothing but a roof that needs immediate repairing, which can cost between $400 to $1500.
Flashing damage
Speedful winds also can move and damage the flashing. They can break the caulk seal that holds the flashing along with the chimney or a brick wall or may also result in the loosening of gutters.
Effects of hidden wind damage on roofs
Most roof damages by the wind are unnoticeable from the ground view until the roof is examined thoroughly from a higher level, which is why they are left unsuspected. These unspecified damages by the wind can result in complex problems such as leakage, fungal growth on shingles, and other water damages.
But how will you know about your damaged roof? Here are some indications that can help you predict the hidden wind damages by the wind that can result in various big troubles for your house.
Small visible leaks
You may have noticed on a rainy day that your attic ceiling is wet from inside, or you may also be able to spot a small, slow leakage of water in your roof. People often do not consider it a problem, although these minor issues can cause significant damage if left untreated.
Fungal or mold growth
If you haven’t seen any water damage and leaks of any size in your ceiling, it doesn’t mean you are done here. You could still have other issues like mold growth or mildew over the shingles, usually due to moisture collecting on the roof.
Why are regular roof inspections necessary?
In Florida, inspecting your roof consistently is essential. As we know, the wind blows all the time and can cause damage to the roofing system in different ways.
Repairing roof damages by the wind can cost a fortune. To avoid the extra cost on your house from any significant wear and tear can be harmful to you and your family, which is why regular roof inspections from professionals are necessary, especially in Florida after a storm or hurricane.
How to find and prevent wind damage?
Once you have identified the damage, it’s your responsibility to take it seriously and prevent it from going onwards. The best solution is to take the help of a professional roofer and repair the roof damages by the wind immediately.

Why should I contact a professional roofer?
A professional roofer might seem like an extra load on your pocket. But trust us, it is not as expensive as an entire roof repair. It is crucial to take care of roofing issues seriously as soon as they come to your notice.
Professional roofers are skilled individuals trained in repairing your roof in the best way without wasting any time and saving you significant expenses in the long run.
Common insurance problems
One of the most common reasons due to which insurance companies create problems when claiming your insurance of the roof is its life.
Yes, each roof has a life, and if it ends, it means it is of no use. The insurance company wouldn’t pay for it. So, make sure you ask your roofer about the life of your roof and keep up with the regular maintenance.
You can fix creased shingles, but if not set on time, they might break. Some loose or unlifted shingles can create water openings if left unscrewed into their places, which can be blown off entirely by the wind. The list can go on. Thus, it is much better to urgently take action and repair your roof damages by the wind.
Contact Protek Roofing, Heating & Air today to learn more about our roofing servies!